JBL Fish Keeping Products JBL started in 1960 with a small specialist pet shop in Ludwigshafen, which Joachim Böhme, a trained chemist, beetle expert and aquarium enthusiast from Dresden, opened. This turned his hobby into a profession. When diseases for ornamental fish became a problem in these early days, he developed a remedy named Punktol for the “white spot disease”, which is called “Ichtyo” among aquarists. It can be purchased to this day. To bring this remedy to market, he needed a brand name, which he created from his own initials JB, and the “L” of his location at the time, Ludwigshafen.
After the launch of the JBL brand, the JBL company - based in Neuhofen/Pfalz since 1984 - rapidly developed to become one of the biggest full range suppliers for aquarium, terrarium and garden pond products in Germany. 180 employees work on the company site of about 2.5 ha. Today JBL supplies 60 countries worldwide with a product range of over 1000 products and over 300 spare parts.
In keeping with their motto “Progress through research,” they believe it is essential to use information about the animals’ way of living and of their biotopes as a basis when developing their products. As a reputable manufacturer with very high standards JBL does not rely on dubious reports from the Internet or information from outdated literature. That’s why JBL runs its own research centre, employing experienced scientists, and organises annual research expeditions to the home areas of the aquarium and terrarium animals, so as to build up their knowledge first hand.
Because they also work together with fish breeders, public aquariums, zoos and fish importers, an ongoing exchange of information is constantly taking place. This all forms the foundation needed to combine theory and practice, and the results flow into our latest product developments. | |