Winter Special Offers
Get ready for winter with our range of pond heaters from only £14.99
Winter will soon be here.
As any Koi keeper (from amateur enthusiast to professional breeder) will tell you, UK Winters provide a different set of challenges. Koi themselves aren’t native to the UK and so some care needs to be taken to ensure their comfort and survival.
………Continue reading “Winter Special Offers”
9 January 2015 by watergar
Category: Special Offers, WinterTags: Fish Feeding, Heaters, Special Offers, Wheatgerm, Winter | Comments Off on Winter Special Offers
As the availability of Fresh Pond Plants is very dependent upon the time of year and weather conditions. We continually update our web pages to list the plants we actually have in stock. All of our Fresh Pond Plants come from the biggest grower in the UK who has over 45 years of cold water plant growing experience. We store all our Fresh Pond Plants outdoors and only supply Fresh Pond Plants that HAVE NOT been grown using forced growing techniques, such as heated greenhouses. So we can be sure that the plants we supply will be strong and healthy.
Fresh Marginal Pond Plants – Now In Stock
Get 20% DISCOUNT on every set of 12 plants (single type or mixed) To help with larger plant purchases, we will give you a £7.89 (equivalent to 20%) discount for every 12 plants you buy
28 February 2014 by watergar
Category: Pond Advice, Special OffersTags: Advice, Discounts, Pond Plants, Special Offers | Comments Off on Fresh Marginal Pond Plants – Now In Stock

FREE Prize Draw To All Our Facebook Fans
As a special thank you to all our new and existing Facebook Fans, we are offing FREE entry into our PRIZE DRAW to win a Bermuda Pondi Automatic Pond Vacuum.
To enter, simply Like Use on Facebook and fill in your detail on our Prize Draw.
Click Here to go to our Facebook page
31 January 2014 by watergar
Category: CompetitionTags: Cleaning, compitition, Planting Accessories, Special Offers | Comments Off on FREE Prize Draw To All Our Facebook Fans

Autumn Special Offers
Autumn is here….
So winter will soon be on its way.
Getting your pond ready for the winter is a much nicer process if you remember to take action whilst the pond water is still a nice temperatue. Detailed below are some suggestions on what action should be taken around this time of year to reduce the risk of problems with your pond and fish, along with some products that will help you achieve this.
Remove Excess Debris
The quantity of debris that makes its way into your pond increases during autumn, placing extra burden on pumps, filters, and other equipment. Remove excess organic materials such as leaves on a regular basis to prevent accumulation. With the exception of reeds, grasses and oxygenators all other pond plants will die off in the winter and will come back in spring. But the debris caused as they die back will add to the workload on the equipment in exactly the same way as the leaves and so this needs to be controlled. As the plants begin to turn simply cut away the excess and leave in a pile next to the pond for a few days. Leaving it next to the pond allows critters who have been caught up in the clean to get back to the pond. This not only allows your filtration to work more efficiently but also prevents potential equipment damage due to clogs. A little bit of effort alleviates extra burden placed on costly pond equipment and ensures years of proper operation. Pond Vacuums and Skimmer Nets are ideal for removing small or manageable amounts of leaves and debris. If an inch or more of debris has accumulated on the bottom, clean the pond before the weather makes it too cold to do the job. Be diligent! The less organic debris that settles in your pond over the winter, the better for your ecosystem and fish.
4 in 1 Combo net now
Now Only £18.99
(while stocks last)
50% off pond gloves.
Now Only £6.99
Install Pond Netting or Skimmer
The best way to maximize leaf-removing efforts is to prevent leaves from falling into the pond in the first place. Drape pond netting over the entire pond surface to keep the majority of leaf litter and debris out. Support the netting with wood, PVC or beach balls to prevent a pileup of leaves in the centre of the pond on top of the net and to protect the stalks of water plants. Once the immediate threat of falling leaves has passed, unfasten the pond netting and remove the few remaining leaves with a vacuum or net. For those who like to get down and dirty, a pair of lightweight waterproof waders or gloves lets you stay dry while performing pond maintenance. A Pond Skimmer could be installed as an alternative and will collect the leaves as they float around your pond, the Skimmers can also be useful in the Spring if blossom is an issue.
Monitor Water Temperature
Measure and monitor water temperature instead of air temperature. Measuring water temperature is the most accurate way to determine when to change diet, stop feeding, and start feeding your Koi again. Remote digital units are now available so you can monitor water temperature without having to step foot outside your home.
4 October 2013 by watergar
Category: Pond Advice, Special OffersTags: Advice, Autunm, Cleaning, Discounts, Special Offers | Comments Off on Autumn Special Offers

September Special Offer – Extra Discounts off Tetra and Vitrafin Wheatgerm Foods
15% off Tetra Wheatgerm and 10% Vitrafin Wheatgerm Foods
How and when to feed your fish
Fish have evolved over the years to extract the appropriate nutrition from the food they eat. Commercial foods have been designed to offer what they need when they need it. During the cooler temperatures fish do not absorb as much Protein, so Wheatgerm Fish Food has been developed to meet these demands, it is low in Protein, but higher in other nutrients. So during the Autumn and Spring, using Wheatgerm based food can really help you fish to “build up” before and after the winter.
Should you feed during the winter
Pond fishes metabolism relies on temperature to enable them to digest food fully. If the temperature drops and the fish metabolism slows, as does their digestive system and any food left in their system will remain there and could start to literally rot inside them. As such, feeding fish during the winter months can be a very trickle business. If you choose to feed your fish you must be confident that the water temperature will remain suitably warm enough for several days after they have fed and you should feed Koi and Goldfish Wheatgerm Foods, which are a specifically designed food to met the fish requirements at this time of year. If you are in any doubt it is better not to feed.
The table below offers a guide to which food type is best for the time of year or temperature.

12 September 2013 by watergar
Category: Pond Advice, Special OffersTags: Advice, Discounts, Fish Feeding, Special Offers, Wheatgerm | Comments Off on September Special Offer – Extra Discounts off Tetra and Vitrafin Wheatgerm Foods