Slow flow rate from your pump?
Make sure your pump is clean with our
Pond Pump cleaning advice
A pond pump is the heart of your ponds life support system and the flowrate it achieves will dramatically affect the health and clarity of your pond. To ensure your pump is in tip top condition for the new season we strongly suggest examining it to clean and check for wear and tear. To help with this we have created a simple guide to help you along.
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12 February 2015 by watergar
Category: New Products, Pond AdviceTags: Advice, Cleaning, Pond Pumps | Comments Off on Pond Pump Cleaning Advice

Green Water?
Make sure your UV Quartz is Clean
During the start of the season with everybody undertaking pond spring cleans we sell a huge number of replacement UV bulbs, but changing your bulb is only part of the job. All UV bulbs are protected from the water by a quartz sleeve, these come in lots of different shapes and sizes, but are common to all units and are there to keep the water away from the electrics. They are made out of quartz glass because the UV light used in out systems does not travel well through normal glass, unfortunately, this does make them delicate and prone to damage. In the same way that the UV light produced by the bulb will not pass through normal glass, it will not penetrate in to the water if the quartz sleeve is dirty. After a faulty bulb the second most common reason for poor UV’s performance is the quartz sleeve being coated in limescale. This limescale build up can be so extreme that you can’t even see your finger through the quartz, so the light has no chance.
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21 May 2014 by watergar
Category: Pond AdviceTags: Advice, Cleaning, Quartz, UV | Comments Off on Green Water – Make sure your UV Quartz is Clean
Although the winter has been very mild (yet very wet for many). Spring time is still a little way off, but hopefully the temperatures will continue to allow you to get out and start preparing for the warmer weather.
Before we go any further lets just clarify the question of fish feeding. It is very important not to start feeding your fish until the pond water reaches a consistent average temperature of at least 6 Deg C and at this level you should only use Wheatgerm based foods. Below this temperature, your fishes metabolism will slow to the point where undigested food can rot inside the gut. Additionally, bacteria in your filter will not be sufficiently active to process any waste that is produced by feeding fish, resulting in water pollution.
To keep you busy, it’s a great time to inspect and service your pond equipment. Your UV may need a new UV bulb as it requires replacement approximately every 6-12 months (dependant upon type). If replaced in the spring you will ensure it is working at its full potential as the green water starts to develop. The UV quartz should also be checked and cleaned to ensure maximum UV output. We suggest the use of a UV cleaning treatment which will clean your quartz without having to strip down you UV.
If you forgot to clean your filter before the shutdown in the autumn, thoroughly clean your foam and media with pond water. If your foams are more than 3 years old and feel soft and floppy they may be due for a change. Your can purchase replacement foams for your filter in singles or sets and gradually swap them over a period of a few weeks, but remember that most manufacturers will only honour their performance guarantees if genuine replacement foams are used.
See our full range of :
Wheatgerm Foods – UV Bulbs – UV Cleaning treatment – Replacement Foams – All Spare Parts
31 January 2014 by watergar
Category: UncategorizedTags: Advice, Cleaning, Spring, Spring Time Feeding | Comments Off on Getting Your Pond Ready for Springtime

FREE Prize Draw To All Our Facebook Fans
As a special thank you to all our new and existing Facebook Fans, we are offing FREE entry into our PRIZE DRAW to win a Bermuda Pondi Automatic Pond Vacuum.
To enter, simply Like Use on Facebook and fill in your detail on our Prize Draw.
Click Here to go to our Facebook page
by watergar
Category: CompetitionTags: Cleaning, compitition, Planting Accessories, Special Offers | Comments Off on FREE Prize Draw To All Our Facebook Fans

Autumn Special Offers
Autumn is here….
So winter will soon be on its way.
Getting your pond ready for the winter is a much nicer process if you remember to take action whilst the pond water is still a nice temperatue. Detailed below are some suggestions on what action should be taken around this time of year to reduce the risk of problems with your pond and fish, along with some products that will help you achieve this.
Remove Excess Debris
The quantity of debris that makes its way into your pond increases during autumn, placing extra burden on pumps, filters, and other equipment. Remove excess organic materials such as leaves on a regular basis to prevent accumulation. With the exception of reeds, grasses and oxygenators all other pond plants will die off in the winter and will come back in spring. But the debris caused as they die back will add to the workload on the equipment in exactly the same way as the leaves and so this needs to be controlled. As the plants begin to turn simply cut away the excess and leave in a pile next to the pond for a few days. Leaving it next to the pond allows critters who have been caught up in the clean to get back to the pond. This not only allows your filtration to work more efficiently but also prevents potential equipment damage due to clogs. A little bit of effort alleviates extra burden placed on costly pond equipment and ensures years of proper operation. Pond Vacuums and Skimmer Nets are ideal for removing small or manageable amounts of leaves and debris. If an inch or more of debris has accumulated on the bottom, clean the pond before the weather makes it too cold to do the job. Be diligent! The less organic debris that settles in your pond over the winter, the better for your ecosystem and fish.
4 in 1 Combo net now
Now Only £18.99
(while stocks last)
50% off pond gloves.
Now Only £6.99
Install Pond Netting or Skimmer
The best way to maximize leaf-removing efforts is to prevent leaves from falling into the pond in the first place. Drape pond netting over the entire pond surface to keep the majority of leaf litter and debris out. Support the netting with wood, PVC or beach balls to prevent a pileup of leaves in the centre of the pond on top of the net and to protect the stalks of water plants. Once the immediate threat of falling leaves has passed, unfasten the pond netting and remove the few remaining leaves with a vacuum or net. For those who like to get down and dirty, a pair of lightweight waterproof waders or gloves lets you stay dry while performing pond maintenance. A Pond Skimmer could be installed as an alternative and will collect the leaves as they float around your pond, the Skimmers can also be useful in the Spring if blossom is an issue.
Monitor Water Temperature
Measure and monitor water temperature instead of air temperature. Measuring water temperature is the most accurate way to determine when to change diet, stop feeding, and start feeding your Koi again. Remote digital units are now available so you can monitor water temperature without having to step foot outside your home.
4 October 2013 by watergar
Category: Pond Advice, Special OffersTags: Advice, Autunm, Cleaning, Discounts, Special Offers | Comments Off on Autumn Special Offers